Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Consequential Strangers"

I started reading this book about the people around us who we often take for granted. Author, Karen Fingerman, refers to these people as "consequential strangers." Lately, I've been seeking those around me--eager to find out their story. In the past week, I have met someone who works in marketing for Expedia, an art dealer, an undergrad/ex-Israeli solder, a journalist, and a finance guru. I would not have known the interesting stories that surround me on a daily basis unless I had taken the time to stop, observe, and ask their story.

This past weekend, I offered to go to the Top of the Rock with a tourist I had met at a bar the night before. It was his second time to New York, and knowing he had planned to go alone, I offered to join him. We spent a good two hours overlooking all of Manhattan and talking about everything from philosophy to hipsters. As it turned out, we had a lot in common. I walked away not knowing if we would ever see eachother again, but smiling. I seized a moment and turned a consequential stranger into a consequential friend. Four days later, he already owes me a drink the next time I'm in London.

I encourage you to notice those that surround you. They are a part of your daily routine, whether they are taking the same train with you every morning, packaging your meat in the deli, or delivering your mail. Sometimes they are the guy visiting your local bar, or the girl reading your favorite book on the subway.

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